Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tokens. Tickets, and Trinkets

Well for those of you out there that have been wondering what do do with your winter afternoons... search no further. C E C has you covered. Oh I am sorry that his short for Chuck E Cheese. Ok Ok hear me out on this. Sure there is a problem not being able to get in some times. I usually do not go places that I have to have a stamp on my hand that matches everyone that I came with, and cannot leave without everyone with that same stamp. Oh and there is that other cork about not liking other peoples kids. Put all this aside and I promise that it will be, if not the best, really really close to the best 10$ you have ever sent on your kid.

C E C does some things really well. every machine is only 1 token. Where else can you become a member of C E C P D??? I am an official member of the Extreme team. I have photo I.D. if you need credentials. For 10$ you get 50 tokens and we won 200 tickets or so and got some stick on earrings and a bracelet. Now really how can this not be a fabulous place for a 3 yr. girl??

A friend of mine ( that will remain unnamed) and I have come up with a real money maker Idea for C E C. we purpose that C E C closes one night a month to kids and makes it Adult night. How fun would it be to have Karaoke with Chucky and the gang and play tickets games? Not to mention that there would be 1$ drafts for those that really wanted to spice it up. I would be there.

So next time you are wondering what to do on a cold winter day. Chuck E Cheese is the place to go. Tokens tickets and trinkets will bring a smile to your face no matter how old you are.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I love this! You are an amazing Dad for putting up with the madness of CEC twice! Seriously, Sydney has no idea how lucky she is to have you in her life! I know it, though, babe so keep up the good work on the extreme team!