Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Will that be all for you today??

Will that be all for you today? How many times have we heard this while placing an order at an eating establishment?? What usually follows this question? Well if you are an active listener you will then tell me my total and complete the transaction. Well this is not the case any more. I feel that I will tell you the names of the institutions that I have come to hate due to the fact that they cannot listen. Taco Bell, Del Taco, Burger King are the Big 3.
I have worked for the Yum corporation and know what it is like to be told how to take orders and up sale customers to promotional items. This is not my issue. You can ask me all the questions you want. If I would like to try this or that new menu item. Or if you would like to donate a dollar to whatever charity. I do not really mind if you ask if I would like to add a cookie, churro, cheese cake bites, caramel empanada. The point is this. DO NOT ASK ME ANY MORE QUESTIONS AFTER YOU SAY " will that be all for you today?" Ounce you have asked this question you give up any right to ask any others. Please stand up with me in helping our order taking friends realize that they are not listening to us. They may hear what we say but are not listening. I hope that we can take a lesson from this and learn to listen better in our lives. Thank you for your time.