Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Car so lepsy

Carsolepsy: is a human condition that one gets when riding in a moving vehicle for as little as 10 minutes and falls deep asleep.

We all know someone with this condition. Today I would like to give some helpful tips of how we can help those of us that have friends and loved ones that suffer from this rare condition. I first want to preface this post with a disclaimer that these tips have only been tested and the data is still being analyzed to produce firm results.
I have two close family members that have been suffering from this condition for years now. I have noticed that the thing that has made an impact is moving out of Logan UT. For two years we would make the 90 mile drive frequently to visit family and friends and this is when I noticed that my wife had a rare condition of falling asleep really fast upon getting in the car. I would try to have a conversation but that did not seem to work. So I have developed a few counter measures that I hope will make a difference for you.

1) drive with the windows down when ever possible. This does two things; one it will make noise and two it will cause a temperature difference. this only works in the extreme months. spring and fall weather seem only to make things worse.

2) avoid driving in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Night driving is the absolute worst so do not drive after the sun goes down. As a matter of fact just avoid driving all together. If they are not in the car they cannot have an episode.

3) Food. If you have them constantly eating they rarely have an episode. I have found this to be the absolute best possible way to suppress this condition. Weight gain is a major side effect on those that choose this method but it is the most effective.

I know that there is still many unknowns about Carsolepsy, but I feel that with more research and field studies we can find a cure. I hope that you have found this information helpful. I dedicate all my research efforts to my lovely wife Marissa and beautiful daughter Sydney that I hope to cure one day of this condition.


Dani and Isaac said...

Maybe you should try playing music in the car? like something loud!

Marissa said...

Okay, it is not my fault!!! It is a condition without a cure! But, you have to admit that since moving out of Logan, the incidence rate has dropped significantly!